torsdag den 12. august 2010

Can you help me? I need wheels!

Hello miniature friends.

Can any of you help me? I am looking for wheels that can be used for bicycles, prams etc. Do you know a place you can buy them?

Kind regards Eva from Denmark
Hej miniaturevenner.
Kan nogen af jer hjælpe mig? Jeg leder efter et sted, hvor man kan købe hjul som kan bruges til cykler, barnevogne osv.  Hvis I kender et sted, hvor man kan købe dem, så vil jeg meget gerne høre fra jer!
Venlig hilsen

5 kommentarer:

  1. Hi Eva - sorry, don't know where you would get wheels but did you receive the magazines that I posted to you?

  2. Hi Allison
    Sorry I have not written to you yet. I am sick and can hardly use my arm. But yes, I got them on Monday. 1000 thanks! I am very glad to have them! I want to do a thing to you, so be nice to tell me what you'd like!
    I am sorry that you can not help me with wheels! Shame. I hope there are others who can help me!
    Hugs Eva

  3. Hello Eva, I do not know where you can find the wheels, I'm sorry, but if I find a site that sells them I will write again ...
    in my blog I have my first give away, you want to participate??
    kisses, Caterina

  4. Hello Caterina
    It's great that you will keep an eye on whether you can buy wheel somewhere, because I really missing them.
    I've been a little treasure in your blog. Unfortunately, not managed to find your glasses yet, so I've got further in the hunt. Should we perhaps start from scratch?
    Hugs Eva

  5. Hej Eva

    Jeg har selv længe ledt efter hjul og fandt i dag disse - synes de ser fine ud:

    Hilsner fra Anne Vibeke
